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Helpful resources about hearing loss

Two woman in a store, one purchasing over the couter hearing aids from the other.

Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids: What You Need To Know

Over-the-counter, or OTC, hearing aids have been approved by the FDA and have been available for purchase since October 16, 2022. This new category of hearing aids is set to fill a big need in the market. There are an estimated 48 million Americans who suffer from hearing loss, which can have a devastating impact …

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Nausheen Dawood

Healthy couple outsite thinking of reading an audiogram

How to Read an Audiogram

An audiogram is a chart that helps you understand your ability to hear and gauges the extent of your hearing loss. After you’ve taken a hearing test, your audiologist will provide a visual chart of your hearing test results—most commonly referred to as an audiogram. Reading an audiogram is crucial to understanding where your hearing …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

A group of seniors holding sparklers while taking in the sounds of Christmas

The Sounds of Christmas You Don’t Want to Miss

The sounds of Christmas might be perfectly summed up by words like “holly” or “jolly” or “Christmas cheer.” But the sounds of Christmas can also be indescribable and timeless, and sometimes are simply best experienced—and heard—firsthand. At Lexie Hearing, we want you to be able to have the full holiday experience, which means not missing …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

Senior woman holding her ear, thinking of hearing loss statistics

Important Hearing Loss Statistics You Should Know

If you’ve been struggling with hearing loss or have recently started researching the condition, many current hearing loss statistics may come as a shock. Problems people face today with hearing loss are often not widely broadcast, despite hearing loss being the third most common chronic physical condition (only behind arthritis and heart disease). In fact, …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

Lexie hearing experts explaing the Lexie Hearing offerings

The Lexie Hearing Offering | What Makes Us Different

Traditional hearing aids can be prohibitively expensive. The average price for a pair of hearing aids in the USA, when fitted by a hearing healthcare practitioner, is around $4,400. This means that the hearing aids many people need are simply out of reach, even for those with health insurance. Most health insurance companies only cover …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

A group of seniors discussing CROS and BiCROS Hearing Aids.

CROS and BiCROS Hearing Aids

With normal hearing, your brain can use information from both your ears to determine how far a sound is from you and what direction it is coming from. A common assumption regarding hearing loss is that it is always bilateral, but some individuals present with unilateral hearing loss. This suggests that they have decreased hearing …

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Jastelle Hugo

Man and woman on the couch talking about chemicals that cause hearing loss

Chemicals That can Cause Hearing Loss

What are ototoxic chemicals? Ototoxic chemicals are substances like medication and chemicals that are harmful to your hearing and balance. Ototoxic chemicals can cause hearing loss and below is a list of common ototoxic chemicals: Arsenic – Found in parasites and microorganism inhibitors Benzene – Found in plastic, paints, cigarette smoke Carbon disulfide – Found in …

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Kajal Ramnarian

Man holding Lexie Lumen after being shown how to use hearing aids

How to Use Hearing Aids: 4 Steps

If you’re new to hearing aids, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. Fortunately, hearing aids are easy to operate once you get the hang of using them. Keep reading for some useful tips on how to get the best performance possible while getting your hearing back to normal. …

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Marcellé Swanepoel