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Helpful resources about hearing loss

Man holding his ear thinking of ear ringing myths

10 Tips To Remove Water From Your Ear

If you have water trapped in your ear canal, knowing how to clear it out can make a big difference. It’s not a pleasant feeling and can lead to muffled sounds, inflammation, and even the risk of an ear infection. Usually, the water will drain naturally, but there are times when it lingers, and you …

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Senior woman drowning out auditory hallucinations with music while cooking

Musical Ear Syndrome: Rare Cause of Musical Hallucinations

Hearing, one of the five key senses provides us with access to the world we live in and allows us to share moments with those closest to us. However, it can be unsettling and stressful to hear voices and sounds that do not actually exist. Musical ear syndrome is a disorder that causes patients to …

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Elderly man using headphones to listen to music

How Otosclerosis Could Cause Hearing Loss

Otosclerosis is the abnormal growth of bone in the middle ear. Approximately 2.5-10% of adults develop otosclerosis in the middle ear. It can occur in both men and women however, it has been more prevalent in women. What is otosclerosis? This happens through the remodeling of the bone in the middle ear. Bone remodeling is …

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elderly couple, woman embracing the man from the back while he sits on the couch. The woman holds her ear asif she has a hearing loss in it.

Heart Disease and Hearing Loss

Heart disease is known to be one of the most prevalent causes of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease kills about 610,000 people in the U.S. every year making it the cause of roughly one in four deaths. A healthy heart plays a significant …

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Woman laughing while eating a fruit salad on the couch

Diabetes and Hearing Loss

Diabetes and hearing loss may seem like two completely separate conditions that have no influence over the other. Though, just as the human body is complicated, so are these two conditions, and it has been shown that diabetes could have a detrimental impact on hearing loss. Both diabetes and hearing loss are, unfortunately, incurable conditions …

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Man holding his ear thinking of ear ringing myths

Why You Shouldn’t Use Ear Candles

It is only natural to want to remove unsightly ear wax but it is important to remember that ear wax is also natural, and is vital for healthy hearing. One such removal method is called ear candles, also known as ear candling, and while it may seem like a great way to remove ear wax, …

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Woman around a table discussing the relationship between dementia and hearing loss

Dementia and Hearing Loss in Adults

What is dementia? Dementia and hearing loss are closely linked. Dementia is an umbrella term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving, and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases. While dementia mainly affects older …

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Senoir woman on the couch with headphones. Headphones and hearing loss

Can I Use Headphones With Hearing Aids?

The use of headphones and earphones has become the norm in modern life, particularly in younger generations. At the same time, younger people are increasingly complaining of early signs of noise-induced hearing loss, and headphones are being blamed. So, should you use headphones with hearing aids? What is the difference between headphones and earphones? Headphones …

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Man in the garden seeking relief from his tinnitus

What Level Of Decibel Is Harmful?

At one point or another, you might have wondered “what decibel level is harmful to my ears”. We hear so many sounds on a daily basis, and all at various volume levels, so it’s only natural to wonder at what point we may be damaging our hearing.  As with a number of other “harmful” things, …

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