Man holding Lexie Lumen after being shown how to use hearing aids

How to Use Hearing Aids: 4 Steps

If you’re new to hearing aids, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. Fortunately, hearing aids are easy to operate once you get the hang of using them. Keep reading for some useful tips on how to get the best performance possible while getting your hearing back to normal.

4 Steps to Using Your Hearing Aids

Get to know them

All hearing aids are unique and will often function somewhat differently. Whether you’re completely new to these devices or are trying a new pair, there will be a learning curve when it comes to using them. The best place to start is the instruction manual, as this will give you anything particularly important to know for their use and will tell you all the technical details of how to use your hearing aids. Familiarizing yourself with where the relevant controls are is a great way to make using them feel natural. Soon, they’ll feel like an extension of your ear.

Develop an adjustment strategy

Adjusting to your hearing aids isn’t as simple as putting them in and wearing them all day, especially if you’re new to the game. Giving your ears time to adjust is important, so as not to overwhelm yourself (especially as your environment will be a bit louder than you’ve been used to without them). The adjustment process is different for everyone, so it’s important to work on a timeline that works best for you and your comfort zone. Starting by wearing your hearing aids for just a few hours a day in a quiet home environment is a great place to start. Once you’re more comfortable, you might try wearing them on a walk or while visiting friends or family. Each day you can slowly increase the amount of time they’re in until you’re able to wear them comfortably for a full day.

Choose your program/volume settings

Hearing aids generally have a variety of environment programs to accommodate any type of environment or activity, such as talking on the phone. Each person’s programs are usually personalized to their audiogram results to give the best hearing performance possible. If your aids are controlled manually—or maybe you want to just be able to do it yourself if needed—you’ll want to become familiar with your program and volume settings to adjust as needed, preferably in a quiet space with someone who can have a conversation with you as you adjust. With Lexie hearing aids, you can use the Lexie app to easily adjust volume and settings from your phone.

Maintenance and care

While this may seem like a tip more applicable to the long-term, it’s important to learn how to take care of your hearing aids right away and get yourself in the habit of maintaining them. Get in the habit of washing your hands before handling your them and make sure they’re turned off when you’re done using them. Depending on if they’re rechargeable or battery-powered, make sure you’re keeping them charged (overnight while you sleep is recommended) and regularly changing the batteries to ensure the best possible performance. Learning how to take care of them early on will help you get the most out of your hearing aids in the long run.

Practice Makes Perfect

While wearing hearing aids might seem a bit daunting at first, using them will quickly begin to feel like second nature as you start to wear them daily and start hearing better. You’ll quickly go from wondering how to usethem to being able to adjust the settings without a second thought. Remember that it’s important to be patient and give yourself time to learn the ins and outs as you adjust.

At Lexie Hearing, we ensure our users have the resources they need to adapt to life with their new hearing aids. Contact us or visit our support center to learn more about Lexie Lumen hearing aids and how they can fit your lifestyle and budget.

Image of post writer Marcellé Swanepoel.

Written by Marcellé Swanepoel

B. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology



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