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Helpful resources about hearing loss

Hearing health practitioner holding an affordable and an expensive hearing aid

Are Expensive Hearing Aids Better?

As hearing aids become more affordable one might ask whether or not price matters and what a price tag says about the quality of a hearing aid. There are questions you should ask yourself to find the right pair for you, irrespective of price.

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Kajal Ramnarian

Man holding Lexie hearing aids. The hearing aids with a host of quality hearing aid features.

The 5 Hearing Aid Features That Matter Most

In the world of devices, new features are seemingly added every day. While many features set the devices apart from what came before, this constant barrage of new technology can make it difficult to decipher what exactly you’re getting—and what’s worth paying extra for. Hearing aids are no exception. With hearing technology rapidly advancing, there …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

Lexie B2 Bluetooth Hearing Aids with smartphone on desk

Bluetooth Hearing Aids: Everything You Need To Know

Bluetooth hearing aids offer the connectivity we need in the modern world, including versatility and convenience for those affected by hearing loss. Hearing aids have had their limitations up until now, not giving individual wearers the ability to customize their hearing experience, other than through an audiologist. Bluetooth hearing aids changed this, by allowing those …

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Lexie Hearing

Man holding the Lexie Lumen hearing aid

Why Are Hearing Aids So Expensive?

According to the World Health Organization close to 466 million people around the world have disabling hearing loss. Many of these people, just like you, find themselves exploring different hearing devices after diagnosis. This could be a daunting process as there are so many options available.  The accompanying price of hearing technology should, however, not …

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Jastelle Hugo

Side profile of a senior woman smiling wearing Eargo hearing aids.

Eargo Hearing Aids: Everything You Need to Know

It’s difficult enough to choose between the different types of hearing aids available, let alone a brand. Many hearing aids cost over $1000, and it can be difficult to determine if the hearing aid brand is viable. One brand you may have come across is Eargo so let’s take a closer look at what they …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

communicating with people who have a hearing loss Woman inserting over the counter hearing aids into a man's ear in their home.

Communicating With People Who Have Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is an invisible impairment that can cause noticeable difficulties for individuals living with hearing loss. It’s helpful if the family members of people with hearing impairments educate themselves. on what to keep in mind when communicating with people who have hearing loss. There are many factors that can cause hearing loss. To better …

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Kajal Ramnarian
