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Helpful resources about hearing loss

Vestibular System. Man holding is hand to his ear.

Hearing Loss and the Vestibular System

Hearing loss, in some cases, may not only affect your hearing but can also result in balance issues. Your ears don’t only help you hear, they are also responsible for your body’s sense of balance. In the inner ear, we have a structure called the labyrinth. The labyrinth houses the cochlea (the hearing organ), three …

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Lisa Brown

Happy romantic senior couple hugging and using digital tablet at home

Oticon Hearing Aids: A Guide

Oticon hearing aids are the flagship brand of Danish hearing aid manufacturer, Demant A/S. Demant is currently the second-largest hearing aid manufacturer and was founded in 1904 by Hans Demant, whose wife suffered from hearing loss. From its long history in hearing aid technology, to where they are today, here is a complete guide on …

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Natalie Gould

Hearing health practitioner fitting a hearing aid

How to Prevent Hearing Aids from Falling Out

How to Prevent Hearing Aids from Falling Out This article contains tips on how to prevent hearing aids from falling out. Hearing aids are life-changing devices—but it can also be frustrating if your hearing aids won’t stay in your ears. It can be difficult to deal with hearing aids that continue to fall out, especially …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

What is Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Vertigo is characterized as a condition that causes a spinning sensation when you aren’t actually spinning. Vertigo can be experienced as either an internal or external spinning sensation, and is most commonly associated with issues with the inner ear. However, it could also be a symptom of a more serious condition affecting your brain. If …

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Natalie Gould

Man looking at phone with hearing aid in ear

What Is Audio Streaming For Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids have evolved from simple devices that amplify everything around you, to customizable devices that cater to your individual needs and preferences with Bluetooth features and audio streaming for hearing aids. Streaming is the latest trend in the hearing aid industry, and it’s a term you have likely heard in conversation.  But, what is …

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Natalie Gould

Senior man with grey hair and glasses.

How To Wear Your Hearing Aids With Glasses

Wearing hearing aids with glasses can be uncomfortable as you now have two external objects resting on, or against, your ear all day long. We have some tips to help make it easier for you, and dare we say – more comfortable, even.  Wearing Hearing Aids With Glasses Whether you’ve been wearing glasses for years …

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Natalie Gould
