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Helpful resources about hearing loss

Hearing expert holding a Lexie Lumen hearing aid while speaking with a customer

Different Hearing Aid Types Explained

Purchasing a hearing aid can be a daunting task as there are so many different hearing aid types. How should you choose your ideal hearing aid type? Deciding on different technology levels of hearing aids depends a lot on the environments you often find yourself in. The more challenging your listening situations are, the more …

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Nadia van Eyssen

Man with hearing loss laughing with his wife in the kitchen

How to Communicate With Someone Who Has Hearing Difficulty

Successful communication is a two-way street, both parties need to be fully invested. The quality of conversation for a person who has a hearing difficulty can be significantly different from that of a person with normal hearing. Although hearing aids can improve a person’s hearing, it doesn’t completely solve the challenge of communicating well. If …

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Jastelle Hugo

A group of coworkers talking and laughing in the office

How to Navigate the Workplace with a Hearing Loss

If you have hearing loss and work in an environment with people who don’t have hearing loss, it can be very challenging. Some people are hesitant to tell others about their hearing loss for fear of discrimination; however, it is so important to share your difficulty to hear with those around you, to achieve the …

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Faatima Nakhooda

Man being fitted with a hearing aid by a woman hearing aid expert.

At What Age do Men Experience Hearing Loss?

Men are twice as likely to experience hearing loss and they are less likely to talk about it, seek help or describe the true difficulty they experience. Men generally prefer a more direct approach, only disclosing that they have a hearing loss, but not any further details or suggestions that could help with their communication …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

Man smiling and holding is ear asif he has one-sided hearing loss. He is considering getting invisible hearing aids.

The Impact of One-sided Hearing Loss

Many people are living with hearing loss in one ear only, this is known as single-sided deafness, unilateral hearing loss, or one-sided hearing loss. It is also called asymmetrical hearing with typically better hearing in the one ear and a severe-to-profound permanent hearing loss in the other ear. You may have been told that you …

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Elrietha Olivier

Man piggybacking a woman while experiencing echo in his hearing aid

How to Get Rid of Echo in a Hearing Aid

Have you ever wondered how you can get rid of echo in a hearing aid? Most people who are fitted with a hearing aid for the first time are very pleased to be able to follow what others are saying and to hear the sounds around them more clearly than before. All is well… until …

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Jenny Birkenstock

Woman consulting a female hearing healthcare expert about her self-diagnosed hearing loss at a table holding a tablet.

Self-Diagnosed Hearing Loss

During the day you’re exposed to numerous speech and environmental sounds. These sounds help you to make sense of the world around you and keeps you connected to people.  When you sleep, your ears still collect 100% of the sounds around you, but your brain chooses to dampen most of those sounds so that you …

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Hema Thakor

Woman viewing the volume setting in the Lexie Hearing App, a great source for remote care and support for hearing aids

Expert Care and Support with Hearing Aids

Did you know that App was voted “Word of the Year” in 2010 by the American Dialect Society? It is not so long ago that mobile apps were unheard of, but since their introduction, many people across the globe use them regularly. Apps have become integral to everyday life, and we use them to connect …

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Elrietha Olivier