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Helpful resources about hearing loss

Senior man sitting on his ouch and drinking black green tea while talking about real ear measurements tablet after he AutoFit his hearing aids

Real Ear Measurement for Hearing Aids

What is a real ear measurement for hearing aids? The purpose of providing a hearing aid to a user is to assist their declining hearing abilities through the use of amplification. This is performed by recording the results according to different frequencies on the audiogram and then using the audiogram to calculate how much amplification …

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Nausheen Dawood

A group of senior tourists looking at a map

How Many Channels Do You Need on Your Hearing Aid?

What are hearing aid channels? When you first hear about hearing aid channels, you may understandably think that the term refers to programs, given that when you change television channels, you are changing programs. However, hearing aid channels are not to be confused with hearing aid programs or volume control which are manual settings that …

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Jacqueline Reeves Scott

Three elderly woman sitting in a cafe having coffee while using their hearing sense to communicate with each other

Listening With Your Senses | Hearing Loss

Listening is a vital aspect of communication and has long been accepted as not just being about hearing someone properly. To truly understand what someone is trying to say, we have to use our whole body and, in particular, our sense of sight and touch, combined with hearing. What is the difference between hearing and …

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Melissa Thompson

Man inserting his hearing aid while receiving follow-up care over the phone

Hearing Aid Care and Follow-Up Support

Hearing aid care is important to ensure that you get the most out of your hearing aids, for the longest possible time. This is done through follow-up care for your hearing aids which includes maintenance, adjustments, services, and repairs. General hearing aid care There are a few things you can do as part of your …

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Melissa Thompson

elderly woman hiking, showing that there is a way to go out with hearing aids

Planning an Outing When You Wear Hearing Aids

Having a hearing loss should in no way mean that you miss out on any aspect of your life. While social outings may seem daunting, the tips below will help you get the most out of your hearing aids when you go out. Why a hearing loss can make outings difficult For people with hearing …

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Melissa Thompson

Group of elderly friends sitting around a table playing cards and talking about Lexie Lumen hearing aids. The man asks "How do I know I have hearing loss?"

What are The Early Signs of Hearing Loss?

It’s not easy to know if your hearing is bad and the early signs of hearing loss are easy to miss. Even though ears look relatively similar on the outside, a person’s hearing ability is as unique as their fingerprints. That means that each person will have their own unique experience and preference of hearing …

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Hema Thakor

Man and woman in the kitchen busy cutting up vegetables, discussing how does the ear work

How Does the Ear Work? | Hearing Loss

How does the ear work? To best answer this question it is important to first understand the sense of hearing and the function of the ear. The human ear is more than what we see on the outside. It has three sections that include the outer, middle, and inner ear, each playing a part in …

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Marcellé Swanepoel

Woman smiling while taking a free online hearing test outdoors

Free Online Hearing Test | What Does It Entail?

The rise of the internet and modern advancements in technology have made information and resources available at our fingertips. The vast knowledge can be overwhelming, but also incredibly useful when it comes to improving and monitoring our health and wellbeing. For people with hearing loss, the internet can provide tips to navigate nearly every situation, …

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Nausheen Dawood