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Helpful resources about hearing loss

Elderly man siging into a microphone, he is singing with hearing aids

Singing With Hearing Aids | Challenges and Solutions

As a soloist or backup singer, singing with hearing aids come with many challenges. This is because singing is a complex vocal ability related to tone and pitch. To execute and achieve the right rhythm, melody, and notes, you need your hearing ability. Let’s look at why hearing aid users experience challenges with singing and …

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Katlego Mogapi

A group of people, dressed in black on a stage playing a symphony, each of them wearing musicians earplugs to protect their hearing.

How to Choose the Best Musician’s Earplugs

Choosing Musician’s Earplugs for Hearing Protection Musician’s earplugs are very important as musicians treasure their hearing more than most, but often put it at the most risk. Many individuals may choose not to use hearing protection because of the misconception that it reduces the sound quality of the music. This article explains how earplugs for …

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Tarryn Sparg

group of people around a dining table having a healthy meal discussing food and hearing health

Improve Hearing Naturally Through Food

Is it possible to improve hearing naturally? When we think of protecting and enhancing our hearing, avoiding loud areas, or wearing earplugs when we are in these areas often comes to mind. But did you know that food and hearing health is also connected? There are several natural things you can do to help your …

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Lisa Brown

Woman smiling through her auditory processing disorder

Benefits of Hearing Aids

According to the NIDCD, one in 8 Americans over the age of 12 years old have some kind of hearing loss. 8.5% of Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 have a debilitating hearing loss. This rate increases to 25% for adults between the ages of 64 and 75, and 50% of adults older …

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Nadia van Eyssen

Senior African American Couple Jogging In Park, preventing their lifestyle to influence hearing

What Lifestyle Factors Influence Hearing

We all know that healthy eating and exercise are good for us, they can improve your quality of life and make you less vulnerable to disease. The opposite is equally true – smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating fast food can increase your chances of developing diseases such as diabetes and cancer. But did you know …

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Nadia van Eyssen

Happy senior couple spending time at the beach. Concepts about love,seniority and people. Both have hearing aid comfort

8 Best Comfort Tips for Your New Hearing Aid

8 Best Hearing Aids Comfort Tips Hearing aid comfort tips could assist hearing aid wearers to be more comfortable with wearing hearing aids. Hearing aids give users access to sounds that were once inaccessible. It improves their quality of life and ability to communicate. The transition from living in a quieter world with a hearing …

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Michaela Sewpersad

Woman holding Lexie Lumen hearing aids, sending the hearing aids for repair

Hearing Aid Repairs | What to Expect

Hearing aids are made to withstand daily use and are surprisingly sturdy little devices. However, to prolong the lifespan of hearing aids and avoid the need for repairs, regular cleaning and maintenance are important. Even with the greatest of care, ordinary wear and tear or accidents can mean that hearing aids sometimes have to be …

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Tarryn Sparg

Man holding the Lexie Lumen hearing aids in their Lexie box. The Lexie Lumens are battery hearing aids that are high quality and affordable

The Benefits of Battery Hearing Aids

Your hearing aids affect the quality of your life and should always be ready when you need them. You do not want your hearing interrupted by beeping sounds or voices that say, “low battery”. Your hearing aids become part of your daily routine and a lifelong ritual. For some people, they are the first thing …

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Marcellé Swanepoel