Man holding Lexie hearing aids. The hearing aids with a host of quality hearing aid features.

The 5 Hearing Aid Features That Matter Most

Published: April 3, 2023

Updated: April 5, 2023

In the world of devices, new features are seemingly added every day. While many features set the devices apart from what came before, this constant barrage of new technology can make it difficult to decipher what exactly you’re getting—and what’s worth paying extra for.

Hearing aids are no exception. With hearing technology rapidly advancing, there are plenty of new hearing aid features to keep up with. But which of these features matter the most for everyday hearing aid users? And how can you sort out the jargon from the results? We’re here to help.

Let’s take a look at the top hearing aid features that matter most.

1. Bluetooth Compatibility

Bluetooth offers a variety of benefits that make the user experience better and make it easy to do more with your devices. For example, Bluetooth hearing aids can connect to a mobile device which allows users to adjust the volume or change settings remotely, oftentimes through an app.

Bluetooth may also allow your hearing aids to have additional functions. For example, many hearing aids make it possible to take phone calls or listen to music right through the devices, meaning there’s no need to take your hearing aids out if the phone rings or swap them for a pair of earbuds to play some tunes. Be sure to double-check though, not all Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids necessarily offer streaming capabilities. 

2. Background Noise Reduction

Background noise can be a major nuisance for those with hearing loss. Even with hearing aids, background noise can still cause problems and make it difficult to hear in noisy environments. That’s why background noise reduction is an incredibly helpful feature to have. In fact, it has become a nearly universal feature on new hearing aids. 

Hearing aids equipped with background noise reduction technology dynamically reduce unwanted sounds that interfere with the sounds users need to hear most. For example, loud restaurants are a common pain point for those with hearing aids as the high level of background noise can make it difficult to engage in conversation. Background noise reduction can help cut down the noise and make it easier to hear those at the table.

3. Directional Microphones

Directional microphones are another hearing aid feature that can assist users in conversation. Directionality means that the microphones adjust to pick up sounds from the direction they are coming from. The most common example of this is directional microphones adjusting to focus on sounds directly in front of the user to make it easier to hear someone speaking. This also helps to cut background noise and can make it significantly easier to hold conversations in noisy environments.

Directional microphones are a top feature to look for in hearing aids, but there are varying levels of directionality available as well. The most advanced directional microphones are best for those who are commonly exposed to loud environments—but these advanced features generally also mean a higher price tag.

4. Feedback Suppression

Like background noise, feedback can be frustrating to deal with, and most hearing aid wearers know the high-pitched whistle of hearing aid feedback all too well. While feedback can be caused by an improper fit, some hearing aids feature feedback suppression technology designed to cut down the amount of feedback received. Because of its usefulness, feedback suppression is becoming an increasingly common hearing aid feature.

5. Telecoil Functionality

A telecoil isn’t a new feature, but it’s still an incredibly helpful hearing aid feature to look for. Telecoils make it possible for the hearing aid to pick up signals from certain telecoil-compatible systems found in places like movie theaters, museums, or concert halls. This can make hearing in public places much easier.

Finding the Right Hearing Aid

Hearing aids are constantly evolving, and while there are many helpful features on modern devices, knowing what will be most beneficial for your specific needs can help you make the right choice while staying within your budget. The five features outlined above are incredibly helpful for nearly all hearing aid users, and opting for a hearing aid that has most of or all of these features is a safe bet.

One option to consider is Lexie OTC hearing aids. These OTC hearing aids come equipped with top features like background noise reduction and Bluetooth compatibility, while also offering additional features like sweat resistance and Autofit Technology, the latter which makes the devices ready to go right out of the box. They can also be paired with the Lexie app for quick volume or setting adjustments right from your mobile device.

While Lexie OTC hearing aids are packed with top hearing aid features, it comes with an affordable price tag compared to traditional hearing aids—and it comes with a 45-day, risk-free trial to ensure it fits all of your needs. To try Lexie OTC hearing aids today, shop online or contact a Lexie Expert™ for more information.

Image of post writer Marcellé Swanepoel.

Written by Marcellé Swanepoel

B. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology


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