Senior man with grey hair and glasses.

6 Hearing Loss Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding hearing loss. Hearing loss myths are common, often from incorrect assumptions, stereotypes, or simply misunderstood facts. There has been a lot of stigma surrounding hearing loss for years, which has only added to the number of hearing loss myths that have been spread. 

However, it’s important to understand which facts about hearing loss are false and correct common misconceptions. Let’s take a look at a few.

Hearing Loss Myths

Myth: Hearing loss only occurs as you get older

One of the most common hearing loss myths is that hearing loss is only linked to aging. However, around 40% of Americans with hearing loss are younger than 60 years old. While the risk of hearing loss can go up as you age, there are millions of Americans who experience hearing loss that is not linked to age. In fact, around 15% of children 6-19 years old are hearing impaired, and young adults are often at risk of hearing loss due to personal activities.

Myth: It’s okay to put off getting hearing aids if you can still hear

If you’ve realized you might need hearing aids, it’s important not to wait. The longer you go without seeking out hearing aids, the harder it is for an audiologist to treat your hearing loss. While it’s easy to dismiss mild hearing loss, it can negatively affect your home, work, and social life. 

As your brain is stimulated less by losing your hearing, it will have a harder time recognizing sound. Essentially, this means that with hearing aids, you’re teaching your brain to hear again, and the longer you go without them, the less effective hearing aids will be.

Myth: Hearing aids make everything sound too loud

While hearing aids do amplify the noise for your brain to register, it doesn’t mean everything will sound too loud. Hearing aids are designed to adapt to the environment you’re in, whether you’re out to lunch with friends or staying in and watching a movie. Hearing aids will target noise that you might have trouble hearing, amplifying only that—not just all noise. When getting hearing aids, an audiologist will work with you to program your hearing aids to work perfectly for your hearing needs.

Myth: People just need to talk louder for me to hear

While asking your friends and family to talk louder can help in terms of volume, this won’t necessarily mean you’ll automatically be able to understand them. Speaking louder is not the full solution, as clarity plays a part in hearing. As the volume goes up, the sound starts to become distorted. Hearing technology is designed to not only amplify sound, but to also ensure clarity.

Myth: Hearing loss is not linked to my health

This is an important hearing loss myth to watch out for, as untreated hearing loss can actually increase your risk of cognitive decline, depression, dementia, and social isolation. This is attributed to the term “cognitive load”, which means the constant effort to understand what is being said can be stressful to your brain and takes away resources that could be used to focus on other things. Research has shown that treating your hearing loss can actually improve your mood and reverse or prevent some adverse conditions. 

Myth: Hearing aids are too noticeable and not stylish

While this may have been somewhat true at one point, hearing aids have come a long way. With a variety of different types and styles available, it’s easy to find a device that is both discrete and fits your aesthetic preferences. For example, the Lexie Lumen fits discreetly behind your ear and comes in five colors to match your style.

Get Started with Lexie Hearing Today

Clearing up common hearing loss myths can reduce the stigma associated with both hearing loss and hearing aids. Treating your hearing loss is incredibly important, and knowing the facts behind hearing loss is a great start in getting the treatment needed.

If you’ve decided it’s time to get hearing aids or you have other questions about how hearing aids help with hearing loss, shop online today or set up a free consultation with one of Lexie’s hearing experts to get the answers you need.

Image of post writer Marcellé Swanepoel.

Written by Marcellé Swanepoel

B. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology



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